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Links for BIO128/ENV1100:

Send suggestion for new listings to abenoit@trcc.commnet.edu. Please include:

  1. Tips for evaluating Web sites
  2. http://www.library.cornell.edu/okuref/research/webeval.html Criteria and tools from the Cornell University Library

    http://www.canisius.edu/canhp/canlib/Searching_the_Internet/Evaluating_Internet_Resources/ Checklist for evaluating Web sites, links to more resources

  3. Environmental science...
  4. http://www.islandpress.org/ecosystems/index.html More links and some basic info from Island Press

  5. ...and environmentalism
  6. http://www.globalff.org/Feature_Articles/Previous_Articles/pre-coor.htm Peter Coors calls for the next wave of environmentalism. Some mention of pollution prevention

    http://www.nrdc.org/bkgrd/geenvhis.html NRDC gives a brief history of environmentalism.

    http://www.webmerchants.com/spectrum/3rd_wave.htm A brief introduction to the 3rd wave of environmentalism by Jesse Gordon of the Kennedy School of Government

    http://www.ntu.edu.au/faculties/science/sbes/resources/kmcg_resources/ecol-env.htm Ecology and environmentalism: the uneasy alliance Published in the Bulletin of the Ecological Society of Australia 27: 54–58 (June 1997)

    http://www.spectacle.org/196/joe.html Teddy Roosevelt and Carl Akeley are described as environmentalists, though hunters

  7. What is an ecosystem?
  8. http://www.odyssey.ycg.org/generalecology.htm A nice concise summary of ecosystem concepts from Odyssey Expeditions (a diving company in Florida)

  9. Biotic structure [trophic structure]
  10. http://www.mastep.sjsu.edu/lessons\webgame\home.html The Food Web Game! (Warning: The background for this page is a rather large SNAKE)

  11. Communities
  12. The chemistry of ecosystems
  13. http://www.ess.uci.edu/~reeburgh/figures.html Figures summarizing the global cycles of biologically important elements edited by WS Reeburgh

  14. Population dynamics
  15. The human population
  16. http://www.npg.org/forums/balancing_biosphere.htm What is the optimum size of the US population? One view by Robert Costanza of Negative Population Growth (NPG)

  17. Environmental economics
  18. http://www.perc.org/about.htm Political Economy Research Center, whose "primary goal is to provide market solutions to environmental problems

    http://www.worldbank.org/fandd/english/1296/articles/0111296.htm Ten Principles of the New Environmentalism by Peter Steer of the World Bank

  19. Geological resources
  20. http://csf.colorado.edu/bcwatershed/BCN8a.htm The geological history of Boulder Colorado

    http://www.hockinghillstourism.com/conklesghistory.html The geological history of Conkles Hollow (Ohio)

    http://www.bio.umass.edu/biology/conn.river/geology.html Geological history of the Connecticut River Valley

    http://water.usgs.gov/pubs/FS/FS-008-99/html/CT_fig04.html Glacial history map of Connecticut

    http://www.capital.net/com/lga/geology.html The geological history of Lake George (NY)

    http://www.vmnh.org/virginia.html The geological history of Virginia

  21. Food production
  22. The water cycle
  23. Water quality and water pollution
  24. http://inlet.geol.sc.edu/nerrsintro.html An Introduction to Estuaries by the National Estuarine Research Reserve System

    http://www.agric.gov.ab.ca/sustain/water/quality/primer7.html A primer on nutrients and other water quality issues by the Province of Alberta (Canada)

    http://www.chebucto.ns.ca/Science/SWCS/TPMODELS/omeehtml.html Phosphorus and lakefront development in Ontario

  25. The atmosphere
  26. Scientific American article on global warming

    GWCC Table of Contents (Casual "cost benefit" analysis of global warming abatement strategies)

    Read the fact sheet on Evidence from Past Climates from the Department of Environmental & Geographical Sciences, Manchester [England] Metropolitan University (the department's home page is at "http://www.doc.mmu.ac.uk/aric/arichome.html", but its easier to get to the fact sheet through the above link).

  27. Air quality and air pollution
  28. Hazardous materials and toxicology
  29. Solid waste
  30. Energy

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