ENV* K245 Water Resources Engineering home
CN(I) = 4.2CN(II)/(10-0.058CN(II))
CN(III) = 23CN(II)/(10+0.13CN(II))
Fa = P - Pe - Ia
with Ia = 200/CN - 2; Pe = (P-0.2S)2/(P+0.8S); S=1000/CN-10
q = 1.008CiA
C = the runoff coefficient, which varies from 0.10 for wooded or undeveloped open areas to 0.95 for highly developed areas
i = the average intensity of rainfall during the time of concentration
A = the area of the watershed (up to several hundred acres)
1.008 = acre· in/cfs· hr
tc = 0.00778L0.77S-0.385
tc = the concentration time in minutes
L = the hydraulic length in feet
S = the mean slope along the hydraulic length expressed as a number (not a percentage)
with CNNEW = CN of area after paving CNOLD = CN before paving %P = Percentage of area made impervious by paving CN modification for <30% impervious area takes the amount of unconnected impervious area into account instead of %P in the formula given above, use %Pm = %P(1-0.53U) with U = unconn’d/total |
(This formula is the same as 3.49 on p 158)
tL = the lag time in hours
L=length of watershed
G=average slope (as a number)
tC = tL/0.6
with S = 1000/CN - 10
tp = tL + D/2
qp = 484A/tp
the length of the storm must be the same as the length associated with the unit hydrograph
the unit hydrograph is based on the assumption of uniform rainfall distribution in the basin; to the extent that rainfall is not uniform, the scaled one will deviate from reality
also based on the assumption of a constant rainfall rate
there are ways around this, as we shall see
ENV* K245 Water Resources Engineering home
Environmental Engineering Technology home
Anthony G Benoit
(860) 885-2386